A lot of foreign students study in Ukraine right now, and even more applicants from all over the world wish to obtain the education here. No wonder, Ukraine is a beautiful country, open for foreign and with European system of high education. Besides, life here is pretty cheap, what is considered as a convincing advantage. It’ not enough to get an invitation confirming your admission to the university. The most important task is to cross Ukraine border control with your visa to live and study in this country. Let's take a look at some important rules for foreigners.
You need to provide such mandatory documents to cross the border:
You also need a document that allows you to return home. It’s necessary if you lose your passport abroad.
Be attentive, because every mistake is a risk. For example, you can’t cross the State border control Ukraine with ID-cart, even though it identifies your personality.
You will need to register at the checkpoint. The registration includes putting a mark “Entry” to your document. Your passport data will put into a special register. From this moment you’re allowed to stay on the Ukrainian territory. Please keep in mind that your entry and studying in this country can be conducted only under the condition of enough money. Checking of available financial means is conducted inspectors by choice.
Don’t forget to get acquainted with the rules of importation of goods, equipment, personal stuff etc.
We are ready to provide you all the necessary information about border crossing rules for Ukraine. We will undertake full documentary support and will help you to obtain the education in Ukraine!
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